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Have You Been Experiencing Pregnancy Pains?

Experiencing Pregnancy Pains?

Are you pregnant? Have you been experiencing back pain during your pregnancy? The good news is you’re not alone and we are here to help you understand why you may be experiencing the pain and exactly what you can do to relieve it.

Local Charlotte woman with Pregnancy pain

What’s with all this Pain?

Many pregnant women suffer from discomfort and pain during their pregnancy and it is very common, and although the prevalence of back pain varies depending on the report you look, The American Pregnancy Association says that roughly 50 – 70% of women report some degree of lower back pain during  pregnancy. 1,

50-70% of women report some degree of lower back pain during pregnancy - American Pregnancy Association Click To Tweet


Top 3 Contributing Factors:

Although there are many factors to consider when looking at the cause of lower back pain during pregnancy, there are three that will most likely be the contributing factor:

  1. Hormone Changes – Even at the start of your pregnancy your body starts to produce hormones to help you throughout the pregnancy.  One of the major hormones that can start to effect the body and lead to some discomfort is Relaxin. Although Relaxin is a hormone which is designed to help loosen up the ligaments and relax the joints in the pelvis to allow for a easier passage for the baby during the birth process, this hormone can also affect the otherwise stable joints on the spine and lead to instability in the joints of your spine and lead to spinal instability and possible pain.
  2. Additional Weight Gain – As your baby begins to develop during your pregnancy, there is a natural weight gain process your body goes through. It is not uncommon to gain an additional 25-35 pounds during a healthy pregnancy, and this additional weight from the growing baby and uterus which the spine has to support can put stress on the muscles, ligaments and nerves in your lower back and pelvis leading to discomfort and lower back pain. 3  4
  3. Postural Adaptations – With continued growth of your baby not only in weight but in overall size, your bodies center of gravity will begin to move more in the forward position. This will require your body to change its overall posture to help balance you while doing your daily activities i.e. walking, standing, sitting, etc. These postural adaptations may result in back pain or strain in the lower spine and pelvis.


Ok now that I know what’s causing my pain how can I help get rid  of it?



  1. Kristiansson P, Svardsudd K, von Schoultz B.   Spine 1996 (Mar 15); 21 (6): 702-709 
  2. J Midwifery Womens Health.2006 Jan-Feb;51(1):e7-10.
  3. Murray I, Hassall J. 2014. Change and adaptation in pregnancy. In: Marshall JE, Raynor MD. eds.Myles Textbook for Midwives. 16th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 143-77