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Chiropractor Charlotte NC Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a condition that has been characterized by chronic widespread, migrating, and often debilitating musculoskeletal pain. It is often accompanied with fatigue, poor sleep, quick mood changes and memory and concentration issues which often prevents the individual from accomplishing day to day task. Although Fibromyalgia is often more common in middle aged women it is becoming increasing more common in men and there has even been some cases diagnosed in children.  Most doctors and researchers believe that there are more than one cause of Fibromyalgia although they seem to agree that the primary cause is a breakdown in the function of the nervous system leading to amplified pain sensations in the areas of the brain that process pain signals.

How Chiropractic can help

Here at Clearview Family Chiropractic, we want to first determine what primary factors may be causing your fibromyalgia through a proper examination and structural radiographs (if necessary) to locate the underlying cause of your back pain rather than masking the secondary symptoms. One common cause for fibromyalgia pain interference in the nervous system signaling. This is often accelerated by abnormal positioning of the spinal bones throughout the spine. A misalignment or subluxation in the spine can affect the muscles, ligaments and tendons or even more importantly, cause irritation and inflammation to the surrounding nerves creating a disruption in the nerve pathways between the brain and body leading to many different types of secondary symptoms of fibromyalgia. If it is determined that we can help you, we utilize gentle and specific Chiropractic adjustments as well as educating on exercises, stretches and proper postural techniques to help align the spine which can aid in pain reduction and more importantly allow the nervous system to function optimally,  as well as wellness lifestyle education to teach and empower our patients on different ways that they can reduce some of the other factors that play a role in fibromylgia pain as well as effects their bodies overall function.  Depending on the severity of the condition and taking previous ailments and other limiting factors into consideration often times our patients begin to see results in just a few visits however it is important to maintain a healthy spine as it is the major protection mechanism for the central nervous system which is vital to ones overall health.

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